An incredibly addictive game, so far I have invested 1200 hours on the game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Monster Hunter PS2
I first came across this game when i was at my local movie shop, after picking up a movie, i went towards the video game rental section to check out what they carried. I got a quick glimpse of this game and left. When I arrived home, i done some research on gamespot for monster hunter, after about a 20 minute research on the game, i thought i should give it a try. I went the next day and rented it, when i arrived home i inserted the disc in the ps2 and played. I went straight online, with my male character, played for about 6 hours the first day. I was hooked, it's an amazing game. The graphics are great if you have a high resolution cable from your ps2 to a good T.V. The game play is really easy to get into. There is no story line for this game but to kill monsters, but that doesn't stop the game from being excellent. The only problem i have with this game is to BE VERY CAREFUL, it is so addictive, all the people i know who plays this game have way over 1000 hours. Don't let gamespots review overshadow your decision to get this game, i saw all the video's and pictures of this game from gamespot, and i can clearly see that the reviewer of this game only played the first 3 star levels. Cause the weapons and armors he had are all beginners stuff. The reviewer didn't even beat the game for Christs sake. The beginning of the game is a little boring cause you have to do lame things, but after that, it gets amazing once you tackle the bigger monsters and achieve better weapons/armors.