Really big weapons. Check Really big monster. Over there… breathing fire… and looking pret-ty mean Lets do

User Rating: 9.5 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
Monster Hunter Tri
First: I am new to the series
Second: I am new to online

I had never heard of the series before this one but new of the game coming and was anticipating what it had to offer. And it offers A LOT

Graphically: The 'Maps' you interact with are limited to a sense. There isn't really much exploring you can do in this game. Each area you play really just is a big fighting arena. But each map is has its own crisp differences and all are presented with visual awe. Before you get used to looking at the same thing over and over you can still be taken aback by how wondrous the environments are. This feeling wears thing eventually though as the game play comes monstering through

Game play: This is where Monster Hunter Tri kicks it up. A simple concept of Get big weapon Kill big monster is expanded on so that you can repeat this action many times and still enjoy it. Offline there are a number of different tasks to get you moving and your resources and money growing. By the time you have beaten offline mode you could have spent 50h+ of game time. If you then go online you can spend 250h+ it's just a vast game to keep playing.
You will be driven to get better weapons and armour by hunting the harder monsters and finding the rarer items. There are also some MASSIVE monsters online and with a you and 3 others hunting together there is lots of fun to be had. It really is a good community game but you can also reject the assistance of others and jump head first into these massive battles by yourself.

Sound: For the most part I don't notice the sound because I have my computer going with other music. I will make this one point though. In certain parts of the game (Jhen online and Ceadus for those in the know) the music really kicks it up a notch and will get you pumped for finishing the challenging quest you are on.

Bottom Line:
This has a LARGE amount of replay value. It can be as challenging as you like and at some points in the game it does get hard but in a good way. There are many different weapon types to appeal to each style as you hunt on land and under water. I highly recommend buying this game and guarantee you will not be disappointed.