I simply love this game! Definitely worth getting!

User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
Well lets start out with at first I didnt like the game because I was confused on what to do and were to go. I went on youtube and saw a walk through that really helped out. Now I play this game a lot and it's one of my top 3 games (Super smash bros brawl, Monster hunter 3, Dont have a 3rd yet xD) Their are hard monsters to kill but you will get over it because you can get stronger with new types of weapons to use. The online part is my favorite were you can hr(basically lvl up) and meet everyone while you can text or talk to them. You do online missions like offline but you can have a maximum of 3 other people to help you out which means you and your friends can have fun killing bosses! Most people online are really nice and can help you with those annoying quest you just cant beat like soloing a really hard boss. This game has one the the best graphics on the wii.

Thanks Capcom.