Epic monster whooping at its finest!

User Rating: 8.5 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
Monster Hunter Tri is a game I have waited for a long time, this game has been one game that I just have to love.

This game does not fail to what it has; hunting monsters!

The game starts out as you, a hunter, more precise, A MONSTER HUNTER.
You go out and the village you are in tells you to help fix a little monster problem you have and there is where you start. You have a whole bunch of weapons at your arsenal, from hammers, to bowguns, swords, etc. You choose your weapon and you go and hunt! This sounds basic, but as basic it may seem, it is a blast, especially from hunting underwater foes, it gives you a epic feel of the under water battles that you engage in. The best part about hunting, is that you have many items from your hunt, the more you hunt, the more items you can obtain, which can help you synthesize better weapons and armor. The Wi-fi in this game is especially fun, you can gain up with other hunters and take on quests where you can hunt giant monsters together which adds more to the fun!

The games environment is just beautiful, the surrounding area gives it a realistic feel to your hunting, the music in it as well gives it the intense feeling of fighting a giant monster. The fighting is great, but it can get a bit tedious when fighting small foes, as you can't lock on or anything and the foe may move constantly so that can get annoying a bit, but as you master your weapons, you can easily get around that problem.

So if you like fighting big monsters, and a massive co-op mode then you should get this game, I recommend it.