Do NOT buy this game!

User Rating: 4.5 | Monopoly X360
Who doesn't enjoy a good board game every once in a while? Take a break from the endless hours of action packed video games with a virtual spin on Monopoly... well, sort of. This kind of game if meant for the party enthusiasts, and even then, if you are bringing out Monopoly on the 360 as a party game, you're party needs some help. This game is only good if you have another person to play it with, as the computer can be quite frustrating at times and there's no online multi-player... wait... WHAT?! That's right... Absolutely NO xbox live capabilities. Pretty much, your friends can see you're playing Monopoly from the dashboard and check your achievements, but that's the extent of it. If you can actually find a person (or the rare 3 people) that want to play with you at your house, then it's a great game. However, if you're looking for regular games with different people, then I'd suggest posting advertisements for Monopoly tournaments in your local newspaper.

But enough of me and my rage over it having no online multiplayer. This is a great game with a nice look, so long as you're into lonely friday nights with a squirt of lotion and some cheap liquor. It's got some new boards that have been added to the Monopoly world, including the well known World Edition board, with some wacky ones too. Each board has it's only relative and distinct properties, some of which are quite humorous, others to be made fun of and laughed at.

This game also introduces Monopoly Richest Edition which is a whole new spin on how you play monopoly. In this mode, a number of dice equal to players are rolled, afterwards a random selection of about 6 mini-games are played. (I think there's only 6) The winner gets first pick of the dice, 2nd gets 2nd, and so forth. The number on the die you picked is how many of your tokens get randomly thrown on the board. Instead of money, your wealth is based off the number of properties you own at the end of the game. Different events can happen to make you lose a property (or even 3) through rent, chance, community chest, and taxes. As far as taxes and rent is concerned, all properties are equal. You can use one of the browns, or Boardwalk to satisfy the cost. At the end of the game, the value of your collected properties is added (the only time the value matters) to determine the winner.

The good part about the game is that if your friends don't have any controllers, then the classic edition can be played with 1 that can be passed around, however, due to the mini-games in Richest Edition, it requires every player to have a controller. My suggestion is to rent the game, blow through it, return it in less then a week with no want to play it again. It's worth a play through, but without any kind of online features, it's just not worth the money.

Helpful hint for achievement hunters: Achievements are super easy, and some have good point payouts!! Richest mode is the easiest way to get the passport achievements.