A below average board game with a very stupid AI.

User Rating: 3.6 | Monopoly Deluxe PC
Being a strategy lover I was thrilled to get this animated(fair for a 1992 game) board game designed and published by Virgin Games.But the joy got reduced to utter disappointment as I got engulfed in the game due to the poor AI it has. Any monopoly lover will be let down with the game unless you are not adamant that your AI opponents needs to be tough.

Ok! About the game it is just a remake of the board game Monopoly with no extra additions to make it suit to the changes that have come in the world. You can still buy a place for mere 200 dollars. The animations are the only thing that make it distinct from the board game. Dont expect much as I already said it can be called animated since it was released long back.

However the gameplay is fair. You can select different things as tokens like ship,dog,horse etc.. and the sounds created by them during movement are good to hear. There are a lot of options to make the game more interesting. You can play by setting time limits so a game can end in half an hour or so and the player with maximum assets win. You can also change the rules for the game like cash collected while passing go or add fines for parking etc...

The clear let down of the game is its AI. It sucks. The main reason is the poor performance while trading. If you trade the most cheapest place like Mediterranean Avenue to a AI player so that it attains monopoly it will not mind trading all its assets to us resulting in many monopolies for us. Also it doesnt mind trading cheaper places to us for a costlier place in return although it results in a monopoly for us. These all results in the game being very easy which causes an uneasiness for a Monopoly lover as it is not at all challenging even while playing against advanced AI players.

The animations are funny to see like the police pointing to jail while landing on go to jail. But it is very simple and not much to mention further. The trading and bidding interface are good.The controls are very simple just only involving clicking the dice while it's your turn. At the beginning you will have confusion about how to build houses and hotels but with time you can easily find out.

The graphics with the small animations is fair for a board game. The sound is also fair nothing much to mention about except that the sounds for each tokens are good. The game can be used also for just human players so it serves atleast one purpose that we could play with our friends but for that the board is surely the better candidate.

The positive points woth mentioning are few like addition of animations to the board game. Also the game has a good trading and bidding interface and options to change game rules and time settings

The main negative side of the game as I ve said is its very poor AI which is the most important for such a game. The game is just a remake with no sorts of addition to the board. There is nothing that makes the board different from the old one in terms of prices or places. Another trouble is it takes some time to understand the game interface and you will be confused how to build houses etc..

Altogether the game doesnt provide much due to its AI and you can just play it just for time pass when you have nothing left to do.I recommend that the game is avoidable with lot of monopoly games being released nowadays with good additions suited to the modern world and far better AI and animations than this game