Wow what a game. that sucks and is not at all fun.

User Rating: 2.5 | Monkey Brains PC
If you like confusing puzzles and no cool voices then you have to be a idiot to play this game. but to be honest its not much of a killing or destroying game and the name of the game makes no sense. but seeing how this was going to be like that great game gruntz, i don't blame them for making this mistake. all companys always make one or more bad games. so play this game if you want, im not going to stop you,but im never playing that game again.... ok maybe i might, once i find something good about the game. well thats it for my review don't forget to watch the avgn. he's a great reviewer how allways gets to the point of things. wow i still have to say more words. well my next review will be long and good to read. that game is 3D ultra thrillride but im not going to tell you when you just have to wait.