The best XBLA game of the year. hands down.

User Rating: 10 | Monday Night Combat X360
Monday Night Combat by Uber Entertainment is an excellent team based shooter for XBLA. There are six different classes to choose from ranging from Tank to Assassin. It is very balanced and the variety is very fun to tinker with.

Crossfire and Blitz are the two game modes in MNC. Blitz is a horde type game mode where you upgrade turrets and your skills to defeat constant waves of enemies. Crossfire is very similar to DOTA. You escort your bots to the enemies Moneyball and have them take down the shields to destroy it. Its not that simple though, as you are bombarded with enemy bots turrets and players along the way. Teamwork is essential in Crossfire and coordinating which classes everyone is will help lead your team to victory. The presentation is great, it takes place on a futuristic game show and the announcer really brings life to the games presentation. Bullseye, the MNC mascot comes out occasionally and you can shoot him to collect money to further upgrade your guy.

Overall this game is well worth the 1200 MSP and is highly reccomended to anyone with XBox Live!