Probably the best Gundam game ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon PS2
Perhaps i might be incorrect but I feel Mobile Suit Gundam :Federation vs. Zeon is the best Gundam game ever made.It follows the story rather well in the arcade mode and it has a lot of the music,sound effects and weapons from the anime.It has lots of characters from the show like Char,Amuro and Ramba Ral.It has two mobile suits from a different Gundam show that I'm not sure whats called but they are different versions of the RX-78 Gundam and the GM.Some available Mobile Suits are the Zaku1 and Zaku2,the Z'gok,Guncannon and the Guntank.These are not all the Mobile Suits available.You may also use Chars Z'gok,Zaku and Gelgoog.Also you may use Mobile Armor like the Big Zam and Elmeth.The game also has an interesting campaign style mode where you can either play as Zeon or The Earth Forces.You can also encounter battleships that are destroyable by you but not pilotable by you.You can also pit yourself against enemies of your choice in versus mode.You must defeat enemy Mobile Armor in arcade mode to be able to use them in versus.