What the hell were they thinking?

User Rating: 1.1 | Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire PS3
My God this game is bad. After playing this I thought my PS3 was going to explode. This game has the worst graphics ever, the Atari 2600 had better graphics than this piece of garbage. After playing this sorry excuse for a game, I went outside, lit it on fire, and watched it burn until it was a shriveled up ball of what felt like wax. The gameplay in this game is horrible, the gundams can barely move at 2mph. It is slow and the frame rate issues mke it even worse. The only thing in this game that was above abysmal was the audio, it was still really bad but not as bad as everything else. The only reason that you should get this game is to destroy it. Other than that, stay as far away from this game as possible.