Playstation 3 Killer App!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire PS3
Good: Fun, addicting, and innovative
Bad: can get a little repetitive after a while, no pikachu

Good: Amazing, 60 frames per seecond!
Bad: nothing

Good: Amazing, Great Explosions, Weapon sounds
Bad: No Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh theme song

Good: Long campaign, fun to playthrough multiple times, split screen
Bad: no collectible trading cards

In other words, you can get by a game with no pokeman, check out this game.

A defintie Killer App

This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.
This game is cool.