Slugfest is just like Blitz

User Rating: 7 | MLB SlugFest 2006 PS2
This is the feeling that I got when I first heard about this game. I was looking forward to a fun game like that. If you're looking for a Sim baseball game then this is not the game for you. Now if you're looking for Blitz type of baseball game where you can beat up the pitchers and the players this is the type of baseball game you'll be playing. I don't think it's as good or as fun as Blitz football games are but it's close enough with a baseball feel to it. The pitching it's pretty easy and the hitting as well. The learning curve for this game is pretty easy to pick up and start playing. If you're looking for a Fun arcade type of baseball game than you should definitely check this game out. It's a good way to just jump into a game and hit 50 homeruns.