Seriously my favorite baseball game! lol really!

User Rating: 9 | Jikkyou Powerful Major League 2 Wii WII
Dont let the kiddy graphics fool you. This game packs in more gameplay and stats than any baseball game out there. With all the MLB teams and players, this game brings a whole new feeling to baseball games. Lets get to the full review.

GRAPHICS 7.75/10

Its not the best looking game on the Wii but its certainly not the worst. The players have a Mii style look and most of them you can tell who they are by their faces. This game also features every major league stadium in very good detail. Take Wii Sports Baseball and give it a major face lift. Thats what you got here.

SOUND 8/10

The game lacks in crowd noises but shines in announcing. The gameplay announcer is spot on and delivers the play by play instantly. You can even hear the stadium announcer announcing the player up to bat.


Finally a Wii title that makes motion controls an option. You can use the classic controller, Gamecuber controller, Wiimote/nunchuck, or just the Wiimote. There are tons of modes like: Success - Where you create your own player and try to become a major leaguer.

League - Compete in a league with up to 6 players with friends or computer.

Arrange - Create your own team

Season - Pick one team and try to complete the full schedule and with the World Series.

Homerun Challenge - Homerun derby.

and more......

You can also collect baseball cards to learn more about the players and there is also a Shop where you can purchase easter eggs and whatnot.

There is also an enormous amount of stats. So many that I cant even list em all. A nice feature in the stats is the ability to see how many calories you have lost while playing which are saved to your Mii. Every stat is saved in this game.


Very easy to learn controls. The nunchuck is used for picking pitches and moving your outfielders. The Dpad is used for picking which base to throw to. The Wiimote can be used for swinging the bat or you can use the nunchuck to aim where to swing then press A to swing. There are many types of controls to choose from and you can change any of them.


This game is probably the best baseball game I have ever played. This is also the first Wii title that makes me feel like I am actually getting what I paid for. With all the different modes and stats this game offers the fun will last a long time.

Score - 9/10