Yes finally a true next gen baseball game that will please any gamer in general.

User Rating: 9 | MLB 08: The Show PS3
This game is probably the best baseball game ever made. First off, the graphics are the best I've seen on the PS3. The best feature though is the Franchise mode, it is a complete franchise with so many things you can do with your team. Although it hasn't really added any new features that last years game didn't have, but it also doesn't lack any.
The Race To The Show is a great mode as well, but can be fustrating at times since it can take a LONG time to accel in the big leages. If you didnt play last years game, I will tell you what it is. In Race To The Show you creat your own baseball player and try to make it to the big leages and eventually retire as a Hall Of Famer.
Now I will get to the things that may not be so bad but can still sometimes be frustrating. I've found that the umpires can be a little in-acurate on strikes and foul balls. Also the commentary is amazing but sometimes gets repetitive after playing a few games. Gameplay is amazing no flause at all with gameplay, just expect the basic controls with a few Motion Cencer add-ons make the controls very costumizable.
All and all, this is just a great baseball game, and probably the best ever. Get out and rent this game you wont regret it!