Great seirous game that actually makes you want to find about Jack and Karen

User Rating: 8.7 | Missing: Since January PC
When I first stumbled apon this game I was intruiged, a game where you are the actually using the internet to solve the dissiperance of two people. THis game may come off alittle chezy when it comes to some of the minigames but the acting is suprisingly good and the ambiance of the game sends chills down your spine. The Adventure Co. went through a lot of trouble making the fake sites that your searches bring you to. The sites make second guess the fictional story that is layed down in the game, the sites include e-mail addresses and message boards that are convincing at best. The site about the Collage girl feaked me out a little because of the reallisam. All in all youll break mice and keyboards trying to figure out this game and if you are a smoker make sure you have a carton to not have a break down while trying to figure out some of the painstaking clues.

P.S there are really no graphics in this game so the graphic section in my review will be bases on visuial presentation (movies, pictures, ect.