I see now why this game is hailed as a cult classic.

User Rating: 10 | Mirror's Edge X360


  • A unique spin on first-person gameplay as a whole.
  • The level of satisfaction while running and pulling off perfect parkour is damn near unmatched.
  • Perhaps one of the most immersive games I've ever played.
  • Level design is amazing stuff; some may disagree, but I think the linearity is its strong suit.
  • I actually found the combat sections to be pretty solid, especially for a game more focused on platforming.
  • Visual design of the world is striking, and the art direction is a wonder to behold.
  • Even though the animated cutscenes are a huge style change, I think they look awesome.
  • Some wonderful music, too; "Still Alive" is an incredible song.
  • For all its incredible gameplay innovation, the story is minimalistic and enjoyable.
  • Faith is an amazing protagonist and a total badass.


  • The controls (and a few of the trial-and-error-y moments) may take a bit to get used to.

Consensus: I've said it before and I'll say it again: second chances can be a very good thing. After trying "Mirror's Edge" for the first time, I found myself struggling to get into it and dropping it (not before getting a bit dizzy, though). But after fiddling around with the follow-up "Mirror's Edge Catalyst" and surprisingly enjoying myself, I started wondering "hmm, did I just not give the first game a good enough chance when I first played it?" Turns out that's exactly what happened, because "Mirror's Edge" is a masterpiece. It's one of those games that became more fun for me as I kept playing more and more of it, and I think it's still a fresh and unique game today. It's an incredibly enjoyable game that has it all, what with its compelling gameplay, badass lead and unbelievable art direction. I can definitely see why the game's received "cult classic" status today because it is awesome. It might take some getting used to the controls, but once you get your land legs, you'll have a blast with it. I sure as hell did.

Final rating: 10 out of 10 "Fantastic"