M̶i̶r̶a̶c̶l̶e̶ Curse of a Space Race (Short Review)

User Rating: 2 | Miracle Space Race PS

Miracle Space Race was released in 2002 for the PlayStation & was developed by Miracle Designs, haha. so let’s just dig into this game, & see why it shouldn’t exist. that is a Caddicarus reference.

so, the level aesthetics. i’ve got 2 words in my head. lazy, & stock. they’re all just space stations with shoddy LEDs. and the music. it’s not terrible, but it is stock, as well as forgettable. and i really mean it. the title screen music is… meh, but the songs in the race tracks are where you really forget. here's a link to the songs on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJeW_zbv-WEXJ-g0e-ZsSZ4X_LP2VR4Vj

the karts control all slippy-slide-sloppy-slope-slinky-slipper-slingshots. the acceleration is what i find to be the worst part. the tracks want you to slow down to turn, the turns are very sharp, otherwise you bump into walls, & lose your chance at victory. but the thing is, you’re either accelerating, or you’re not, no in-between. and simply stopping holding X, the button for the throttle, completely slows you down. and you have to accelerate for… essentially the entire race to win. game design, morons.

and the track design. imagine Super Mario Kart, but with the only setpiece being walls that act like they’ve not spoken to another person for the last 6 years. there you go, Miracle Space Race. and items barely do anything, are we bloody done now? 2 out of goddamn 10!

this game is far from a miracle. if you want to check this game out to see just how bad it is, go ahead. that's what i did. just don't involve me when you realise the time you wasted. good day! o7

or night, i suppose. whenever, really. just have a good time.