this is the epitomy of crap

User Rating: 1.3 | Minority Report: Everybody Runs PS2
I am going to keep this short because I know you have better things to do than to read a review of the immese pile of crap slapped together. I actually got sick when I played this game.

Audio is a killer the weapons have the same " DOOSH DOOSH" sound and the eviroment has a bland sound. The voices are no better I can't understand why you would walk to a closed door there is a button next to the door and what does your character say, ?Hmmm?" like why would you need to think about pressing a button to open a door. It is kind of depressing to think that a sound director had thought that it was at least satisfactory. Graphics bad all I can say. No wait really bad. the animation seems slow and clunky it was like watching old people play video games.
Gameplay not on par with anything i've ever played it has crappy combos, bad physics ,for example, you punch a dude and he flies clear across through a window that's nice and all for a laugh but just to laugh at how stupid it is. this game sucks and blows never should anyone play this game. Unless you want to give this to you worst enemy to play so they could die from the unbearable presentation and bad gameplay. Like I stated before I got sick from playing it and I could only stand the first two levels.