In a gaming world filled with simulators and shooters, Mini Ninjas is a pretty good change of pace from those ordeals.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mini Ninjas PS3
At first glance, one would look at the boxart of Mini Ninjas and be turned away by the "chibi" appearances and kid-like appeal, especially with the amount of real-life simulators and shooters scattered all over the gaming market. But as the old saying goes: do not judge a book by its cover Even though the game is aimed for children, Mini Ninjas still has a way of blending things together to make it appealing to children while catching the interest of adults at the same time.

Anyone who has watched at least one movie about kung-fu or in the case of this game, ninjas, the story should be known by a long shot. Pretty much, an evil warlord has risen again and uses his magic to transform the animals of the forest into samruais under his command to rule the world. Unfortunately, by doing this resulted in the balance of nature being thrown into a complete, uncontrollable spiral such as various storms brewing across the land. A ninja master sent one of his best students to investigate this ordeal but he never returned. So he sent another one who also didn't return, and this continued until he only had 2 of them left. They're the youngest of the 6 ninjas living there and it was up to them to not only find their friends, but to stop the evil warlord before the world is destroyed.

From the beginning of the game, you take control of Hiro who is the youngest and less experienced ninja in the clan yet has the most potential for one reason: among the 6 ninjas you control in the game he is the only one who has use Kuji magic (pretty much having more control of the elements such as fire and ice). And just as quickly as you learn the basics, you will be in control of Hiro's friend Futo. Futo is the basic "big dude" of a group: very strong and can take out bigger enemies that the other ninjas cannot defeat yet is extremely slow and sluggish to control his movements). Along the way you'll add 4 more ninjas to choose from in real-time: Suzume, who uses a flute as her main weapon for attacking and hypnotizing enemies with its beautiful symphony. Shun, a renowned archer who is obviously more effective when shooting arrows at a great distance. Tora, who truly believes that he is a tiger and shows that even more with his cat-like reflexes and razor sharp claws for close-range combat. And finally we have Kunoichi (who to me looks like Mileena from Mortal Kombat), with her bo staff can attack any enemy at a pretty good range and acrobatic speed makes her a deadly adversary to control. 6 ninjas, 6 different styles at your expense.

Mini Ninjas is heavily based on Japan and its culture during the feudal era. Ranging from shrines to samurais to ninjitsu techniques to spirits of the dead, everything that literally screams Japan is represented very well for all to see.

With all the simulators splattered all over the place, this game presents everything in a more cartoon style. Seeing as how Mini Ninjas is targeted towards children it is best this way. Years ago, a lot of games were presented in a way that was appealing to children yet adults could also get into the games very easily. Sure this game does not fancy everyone but it's charm along with its light humor on plenty of occasions could win over some adults.

Venturing across the land isn't all you do in this game. Along the way you will encounter some tengu from your village asking you to perform specific tasks for them or come across them at shrines to stock up on potions or recipes to make things a bit easy for you when things get tough. Also they are various ingredients needed to make the stuff that you buy. There's the helpful healing potion that replenish your health, flask of ginger that replenish your ki gauge and etc.

Speaking of ki, seeing as how Hiro is the only ninja to use Kuji magic, they are several shrines spread across the land for him to find and learn a new technique to add to his arsenal. By doing so, you will add some pretty neat moves such as fireballs, ice storms, sunlight to vanquish ghosts and most importantly, body possession. With at least 15 techniques to find and and learn, the possibilities are endless.

However, three things plague the game from being better. For starters, the camera can be a bit irritating especially when you are being ambushed by a horde of enemies and it doesn't pan out to give you a better view. But the one reason this game is not as good as it should be? Easy. The combat engine for Mini Ninjas. It feels shallow, moves do not normally connect or attacks from the A.I. that should NOT have hit for some reason connect, making the fights a bit more irritating and repetitive than usual. And finally, the boss battles. All of them (with the exception of the final boss) require command prompts that flash on the screen in order to defeat them. This makes the bosses a lot easier than they should be and not as one would have expected them to be.

Mini Ninjas is pretty good in its own at what it does, though the lackluster combat engine kills it as well. I suggest to rent the game first before deciding if this game is the type that you'd like.