Extremely easy, short and dare I say repetitive gameplay made me wish I would have finished the game even sooner

User Rating: 7.5 | Mini Ninjas PC
* Good visuals, no doubt the cartoonish style only adds good taste to the game which is already a funny-charming game.
* Sound is also another good point as speech and authentic-sounding battle music don't deter from the fun.
* Gameplay is good in the manner that you get to unlock a substential amount of spells and powers hence a lot of ways to slice and dice, add to that the fact that you also get 5 extra characters that you can always switch to and you got quite a diverse type of combat each time you want.

* First and foremost: the game is WAY too easy, the entire game is almost always the same type of small samurai enemy which doesn't pose any threat to you and you just concentrate on button mashing, mostly you can just dispatch big groups of enemies by using a power attack that will likely be recharged right away anyway because it has a high chance to drop from the enemies also all the types of combat you can do (spells, other characters, etc'..) is practically only fun in theory as you almost never need to use them.
* Short - this game can be completed in a very short amount of time as it doesn't have that many levels, add to that the fact that each level is cleared easily and finding all secret spells is a joke then you really don't have more than a few days of gameplay.
*Last but certainly not least: repetitive - all levels are linear and you just encounter the same squads of enemies all the time (save a few rare cases in the game where a small challenge was introduced in terms of new enemy type or some kind of ambush) which makes the game get boring very fast.

It's generally OK but I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, it just a sub standard game in the beat'em ups genre which could have been better with more challanging battles, breath-stopping acrobatics and hell, dare I say interesting STORY!
A viable alternative might be 'Devil may cry 4'.

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