Mini Ninjas is somewhat a stealth action-adventure game, but with barely any stealth needed. While playing mini ninjas y

User Rating: 8 | Mini Ninjas PS3
Mini Ninjas is somewhat a stealth action-adventure game, but with barely any stealth needed. While playing mini ninjas you find that at first it can be very interesting, and the combat is fun as well but, you do the same moves everytime and it gets just a little bit repetitive.

The controls are pretty easy to learn and there are also some RPG elements in this game. You buy potions and you level up as well to make your player stronger. You Find 5 ninjas on your adventure and each one has a useful ability. There's an archer, spearman, tiger (a ninja that attacks like a mini wolverine), etc... The combat is really fun as well, but does sometimes get a little repetitive. It's liek the game is addictive, but not quite because there isn't much variety. You'll start getting bored after around the 3rd boss. The boss fights don't last too long, and is extremely easy to beat. I guess it's because the game is aimed towards kids.

Nevertheless, the game is worth playing, but is not worth the 40+ dollars! I recommend this game to kids under the age of 11, they'll love the game.