Now - this is how to make a fun but simple game! I mean that in a good way...

User Rating: 7.5 | Mini Ninjas PC
The first thing I noticed about this game is the polished visuals and sound. True, there's not much to the graphics as far as 'technology' is concerned, but this is a unique and simple game - where the graphics portray a certain serinity and fun. That said - let's start with the bad. The game is too simple - I don't mean that it's easy, because I actually think it's just right - but what I mean is that there's no real depth to the action itself. I wish it would have been a little sharper in that regard. I know this sounds weird, but essentially the point is that this game could even have become a sort of cult-like phenomenon if only it would have been a little more mature oriented in terms of the action. The graphics and the sound, and the story actually, would have been elevated to a very high point if only I'd have felt that this game was not meant for kids. Alas, I felt like the game was shallow because the developers didn't really think that adults would find it appealing. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how the game comes off. The rest is all good. Solid controls (though that's a little subjective), the graphics and audio are polished, and there's a decent story (not a revolutionary plot, but it's there and that's all I ask for). If you have some time and feel like taking a simple and fun journey, this is the game to play! Cheers!