An equally charming and addicting loot-based dungeon crawler.

User Rating: 8 | Minecraft Dungeons PS4

I was thrilled when I first heard about Minecraft Dungeons. I've sunk way too many hours into Minecraft so I was excited to see the universe expanded into a new title. More than that a dungeon crawler seemed like a natural fit for the series and Mojang has proven themselves as capable developers with their first two games. It took me awhile to finally find time to play through Dungeons as I had hoped to play it multiplayer but I gave in and completed a single player run. What surprised me was that I enjoyed the experience so much that not only did I complete a play-through but I actually finished three runs! Between the fast-paced action, the charming art style, and the progressive looting this game will keep you coming back for more.

Dungeons starts things out simple enough; you have a swing attack, a dodge roll, and a bow. You'll use your sword to take out the mobs as they get close while sniping more threatening creatures with your bow. Most maps just have you going from point A to point B while occasionally throwing in a simple objective such as freeing villagers. The maps are usually broken up into fairly linear sections but many of the actual dungeons spread out in vast mazes. A mini-map in the corner of the screen helps you keep track of where you've explored and if you missed anything such as treasure chests or optional rooms. You'll get loot from opening chests and defeating mobs. Optional rooms may have maps that unlock bonus stages.

The loot in Dungeons can be broken down into the following categories; melee weapons, armor, bows, and artifacts. Melee weapons vary greatly in speed and strength based on if you equip something along the line of hammers or spears compared to daggers and gauntlets. Bows are similar in that regard but also vary in capacity based on their power level. Armor simply determines how many hit points you'll have. Rare and unique weapons and armor may come with built in perks such as explosive arrows, increased movement speed, or critical hits. Last, and certainly not least, you can equip up to three artifacts that add some really fun effects that you can bind to specific buttons. Some artifacts will heal you while others may shoot out fireworks or push surrounding enemies away from you.

Armor and weapons can all have up to three slots for enchantments. Each time you level up from defeating so many monsters you'll earn enchantment points. You can spend these points to add powerful effects to your equipment. Some weapon enchantments include bonus damage, elemental effects, and perks based on defeating mobs such as leeching health. Armor enchantments include thorns that deal damage back to the mobs, boosts to speed after rolling of taking damage, and chances to defect projectiles. All enchantments have three tiers that make the abilities better which each upgrade. Later in the game you'll unlocked "powerful" enchantments that will require you to spend more enchantment points to get them up to the third tier.

Minecraft dungeons has the addictive loot systems you'd expect from any great dungeon crawler while doing great justice to the Minecraft universe with its art style and mechanics. It doesn't take too long to complete one playthrough but after you beat the game you unlock a more challenging adventure mode and then complete it again to unlock the apocalypse mode. On any of the three difficultly you have a slider for each stage to set your own challenge level with harder challenges offer a chance at better loot. Anyway you slice, whether that be; playing solo or with friends, playing on the easy or harder setting, or just collecting a variety of loot, you can easily have fun in this delight Minecraft-themed dungeon crawler.