Promised so much but delivered so little...

User Rating: 4.8 | Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play PSP
When i first heard about this classic games package i couldn't wait for it. I was filled with fond memories of playing the original versions of mortal kombat and marble madness on my old (and broken) consoles and in arcades. The price seemed fair too, at only £20.
First impressions of the collection were very good, it has a reasonable load time for the amount of games on the disk, and the interface you use to choose between games is clean and nice-looking. Because i have been a fan for years, i skipped straight to Mortal Kombat. The load time for the individual games is excruciating, the disk even tries to distract you from this by showing you the controls while you wait, but this conceals nothing. The next thing i noticed was the resolution, the game doesn't fill the entire screen and i'm still struggling to find an explanation for this. I searched for the option to change this but to no avail. Although the versions of Mortal Kombat were an acceptable representation of the original arcade versions, i felt that versions more closely resembling the console incarnations of the series would've been better value. The arcade versions suffer too much from 1 track gameplay. I also felt that the difficulty was slightly hit-and-miss in some areas, the first fight may be extremely difficult while the second will turn out to be easy. After having my fill of Mortal Kombats 1-3 (and to be fair, i did play them for a few hours) i decided to check out Marble Madness. This game suffers from the same loading time problem as MK, and also suffers from the long-running PSP d-pad problem. A had a play through a few more of the games before i decided to call it a day, all of them mildly entertaining, but i felt no urge to play them again after a while on each game.

In conclusion, this game didn't live up to the originals (or my expectations) in any respect, not to say the nostalgia factor isn't there, because it is. Just don't let yourself be drawn in by the promise of portable MK and the low price.