Great game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metroid Prime GC
It's been years since Metroid Prime first came out for the GameCube. Since then the game was ported to the Wii with some changes here and there, but over all it's the same game.

When you start the game, Samus is flying around space in her hunter-cla-ss starcruiser and makes a run in with some Space Pirates. You board there frigate and start to take them down. This serves as a tutorial for you. Soon the frigate crashes into Tallon IV and you fly down there, after you lose some parts of your suit, and start rid the planet of those darn Space Pirates. There is a bunch of back story you pick up on in the game as you go along scanning everything you can. From Chozo Lore and Pirate Logs you pick up on a meter crashing on to Tallon IV. You must go about and save the planet by finding all the artifacts that have been left behind by the Chozo for the "Chosen One," which is Samus.

Guess how you play the game? Point and click. Hard stuff right? Well there's a lot more to it then that, but you get the idea. To point your WiiMote at the screen and shoot at bad guys with all your different guns, switch through your different visors, or look at your map because you have no idea where you are besides the fact there's fire shooting down at you from the roof of a hallway that has a pit of lava on one side with a giant worn thing that spits out fire and on the other side? Do I even need to tell you? Well, none the less, there's a lot to do in this game.

There are many upgrades and weapons to be found in the game. Most of them you're going to need to beat the game. Well you will need all of them to get a 100% on the game. Wave Beam, Plasma Beam, Ice Beam, Missiles, Energy Tanks, two different visors, and a lot more morph ball upgrades are all scattered though out Tallon IV. But while you're looking for all this, keep an eye out for things to scan. Not only will it help you with beating up enemies, you also pick up on the back story and get a few hints to if there's an item nearby.

Boss fights are challenging until you understand what to do. Sometimes you can go for the longest time and just unloading on the guy, but you're not doing any damage. Of course there are other fights to pick as well, but after 50 times of fighting Chozo Ghosts, you get use to it and just blow past them.

Another big part of the game is platforming. It's not surprising seeing as Metroid first started out on the NES. The puzzles are fun, but be ready to do a lot of walking and getting lost while you are doing all this platforming and puzzle solving. Though they do give you a map, which can save your life.

The game can take forever to beat if you have no idea what you're doing. Trust me though, it's worth the time you spend playing it. The only really big thing to do is unlock music and art in terms of why you should replay it, but the game itself is all the reason you're going to need.

Graphically, the game looks amazing. It's very detailed and colorful. The effects (rain, sun, fire) really add to the game because it shows you Samus's face at times. The music is also another plus. It's really driving and fits the game well.

Overall, this game is worth a look at by anyone. It's an amazing game that I'm really glad for picking up and playing though, even if it took me three months to beat.

+Game length.
+Music it amazing.
+It's just plain fun.

-You can't keep playing after you beat the final boss.

Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 9
Story: 9
Sounds: 9
Replay Value: 8
Fun Level: 10
Overall: 9.4