Combine 3 amazing games and coat them with new sweet controls for only $50?

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime Trilogy WII
Metroid Prime- 10 Perfect
Gameplay- This game absolutely sucks you in. There is almost no limit to where you can go, so if you want, go explore and look for extras. There are lots of extras to find and you aren't forced to go anywhere right away.
The combat in this game shouldn't stump you really at all. Veteran for the most part is simple and the easiest mode is quite easy. It's still very fun for the most part and easy combat is actually good in a game focused on exploration. You can mix up the controls to your liking which is quite good. Finally, the bosses. They always require some cool way to kill them with your visors or beams.
Gameplay: 10/10

Graphics- These are still quite awesome to look at, and it shows how good they were in the day. After 7 years they still look quite great. While the weakest of the series you can't blame it because it's the earliest installment. But there is some stuff in here that's better. Most people will say the environment in this game is some of the coolest in any game. You are immersed in these amazing environments, in jungle like places, ancient ruins, snow covered worlds, etc. It's quite beautiful to look at, and it's a shame that there is hardly any games like this today.
Graphics: 9.5/10

Sound- The soundtrack in this game is beyond amazing. Every theme suits every world you're in. They all sound really sweet and strange. It's makes you feel alone in this giant world. Sound affects are also great in this game and add a lot.
Sound: 10/10

Controls- These are the best controlling games on the wii. Period. Nothing beats the smoothness of the aiming, or the overall ease of doing everything. It all runs so smooth and works perfectly. A huge improvement over the gamecube ones. These are the most satisfying controls on the market right now.
Controls: 10/10

Value- Since you get this entire package for $50, each game is roughly $16.67. That is an amazing deal for 3 games, and a sweet metal case. Each game should last you at least 20 hours(If you play corruption more than once that is). This package can last you 100 hours, all off of single player which is quite amazing if you ask me. Nothing can beat this deal except the Orange Box.
Value: 10/10

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes- 9.3

Gameplay- Echoes is not quite identical to Prime 1. This is for the more hardcore gamer. This game is quite a bit harder. For the most part, you will notice the dark/light world will add to the challenge. It confuses things quite a bit and it can get quite tricky. Also the fact that your varia suit doesn't protect you from the dark world, and you take damage. No worries though, you will get a dark suit to protect you. Another thing that I noticed is that the map tricks you and says you can go a certain way, but when you get there, it is unavailable for whatever reason. Finally, the puzzles in this game are way harder. Some stumped me for quite a bit.
Combat in this game is also significantly harder than prime 1. This one has ammo this time around, which I think is quite a good addition because you can't just go through blasting everything for no reason.
Also bosses are quite a bit harder, even after being easier from the gamecube edition. Overall it's still quite good and works well, but it's quite hard.
Gameplay (If you like a challenge): 9.5/10
Gameplay (If you expect Prime 1 difficulty): 8/10

Graphics- They are stepped up a bit from Prime 1. You will notice a way darker setting though. Some people may be turned off by this, but I love it. It feels like a dirty, gritty metroid game, and I felt like it kind of needed this. The animations here are a bit better to. But keep in mind this game isn't beautiful like Prime 1. It's beautiful in a dark way I would say. I love it.
Graphics: 9.5/10

Sound- This game has a sweet soundtrack. It's dark, just like this game, but it still sounds like good old metroid. Sound affects are once again great.
Sound: 10/10
Control- 10/10
Value- 10/10

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption- 9.5

Gameplay- I will start off by saying, this game has some new twists. In this one, phazon plays a huge part, and it's very fun to use. It adds a fresh new twist which I liked. For the most part though, the game is the same. One thing you will notice, is less exploring. This game is more linear, because you go from place to place, rather than exploring and finding stuff. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it feels less like a prime game. This also means less add-ons to your suit.
The difficulty is a bit easier though. Hypermode is a different story, but the other difficulties were generally easy, along with the puzzles. Not a bad thing though. Finally, the bosses. They are big, mean, and creative? Yes there is always some certain way to kill them, and they are very entertaining. Overall this game is still very fun
Gameplay: 9.5/10

Graphics- This is the best looking game in the series. It has the best animations, and overall, the atmosphere is quite awesome still. It's new and satisfying. There is variety in the places still, and they are all nicely done.
Graphics: 9.5/10

Sound- Once again, good soundtrack and sound affects. Not much new here.
Sound: 9/10

Controls- 10/10
Value- 10/10

Bottom Line: Get this package if you own a wii!!!