Best WiFi of Any Nintendo Game

User Rating: 7.5 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
It's a love, hate relationship.

The Love
This game has the best wifi of any nintendo game to date with its built in microphone and typing system. The ability to host games in a lobby type environment where you can see your friends/rivals online.

The Hate
This is a wifi only game.
If you don't have wifi...definitely don't buy it. The single player is boring and nothing to it.

In-fact the single player is merely fighting the same two bosses 4 times each.
Yeah, boring, right?

The fun part of this game comes from the good graphics, decent sound and amazing multiplayer.

With 7 characters to choose from, over 20 levels, and an assortment of weapons and play-styles this game is worth getting and joining the hunt.

The single-player is absolutely horrible though, so, so very terrible that I must mention it several times and end this review on this note.