No, its not about fat slugs. Its an action side scrolling shooter wih tanks, soilders, guns and awesome bosses.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Slug Advance GBA
It may sound as simple as, running, finding an enemy, and either shooting them or slash them and clear a path so you can get through, but the game's normal difficulty is quite hard. This game is really fun, and seriously the only downside is how short it is!

So... you go into an island with a infinte ammo handgun that stays with you through out the game. You run across the screen and enemies will be around, you can shoot them from a distance by pressing - or rapidaly bashing - the B button. If your close to the enemy and "fire" you swing your kinfe or axe. Most enemies die in one slash or hit, but they usually out number you and you won't like staying in the same place. Like some other side-scrollers, like Star Wars: Aprentaince of The Force, there are bits where you can't advance, until you kill all the enemies coming at you, and you can't move out of the current screen, this can get difficult, but you can randomly press B to fire while running in cirlces - erm, left and right - and randomly jumping by pressing the A button. Usually that can work - but - there are enemies have different weapons and things... like... some have bombs and if you jump into one of them, boom, there goes a chunk of your health. And other times there aren't just soilders, there could be thing like tanks, choppers, planes. Those can take more paitence, but then when you get surrounded by one tank and a helicopter you can go nuts trying to beat them and move on! And as you move along you find Prisoners you must rescue, you give you various goodies, like some health items; bread, turkey, or Cards: things you collect throughout the game, or even weapons, that have limited ammo; like shot guns, machine guns, rocket launchers. There are also a limited amount of bombs or special types of bombs you can use by pressing R.

The bosses are great! No matter how long it took to figure out some stratedgies or how many times I died they were great! You just cannot just randomly shoot until they die, you have to dodge their attacks; STAY ALIVE, and make sure they don't. Like the first boss; if you start shooting them like mad, you won't win, he'll ram into you, just don't hope he'll stop cos your shooting him. Then when you dealt a hefty amount of damage to any boss they change their plan and do something else, the first jumps around trying to squash you, you always to be on the move!

Well there's this tank you can enter, which is called a Metal Slug, with these you are much stronger but you still get damage and need "gas" to heal. They have their own weapon which has infinite ammo, and is much stronger than your handgun, and they also have cannons, which are just like bombs. And also if you're in low health and enemies are everywhere and you're helpless, hit L, and you jump out of the Slug, then it goes on a rampage and destroys everything in front of them, then self dustructing... Sweet. When your Slug dies, you don't, you can jump out and continue more destruction!!!

Graphically, this game is great too, I don't mind them, the animations are great too. Death animations, jumping, shooting, throwing bombs, taking hits. It doesn't need to be in great detail, but still the graphics are good. Better than some other side scrolling games thats for sure. The backgrounds are good too. This is just the graphics that are like "Not perfect, but won't make me stop playing because they have crappy graphics". The sound effect are great too. Gunshots are cool, when you get some weapons you can hear what its called. Some nice, music around the game. Sometimes you need to hear if your gunshot is hitting anything or not, there could be prisoners hanging high, and you might hit them, to know id you did, the gunshot would've hit something! And you can hear it :O

Now the bad: There are only 5 damn levels! I got and finished this game today, under 10 hours, but am looking forward ti finish it with a different character and also collecting all the cards! And maybe also trying to finish it in HARD mode where it gets harder than it already is! But still, I don't think other gamers, and proabably myself won't restrict myself to playing it a gazillion times.

This game is an amazing GBA game! Fast paced action, with difficult, yet great moments! This is a must own to people who enjoy challenging games thast are nice and fun to get into, played action side scrollers before and can't find a good one! Truly this is the best Side scroller on the GBA. Mario can't stand up to this! Megaman Zero is a truly great game too and if you liked that play this, and enjoy it more! Or if you haven't... play both, great for all sidescrolling action fanatics!

DeathBlitz (DeathBlitzX)