The Army Needs You!

User Rating: 8.2 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
A difficult game to get into and potentially off-putting at first but stick with it and learn the game and all is forgiven. The reason being that the game can seem odd in the way its played and frustrating with the ideas it has. The games enthuses is all about recruiting guards meaning you have to capture them on sight and drag them back to the truck that you arrived into the level with. But trial and error results in a frustrating and slow paced game. This is where the guards work to your advantage however, once captured they become on your side and you can control every one of them taking a group into battle but only controlling one at a time, however you can drag a guard to one of your recruits hiding in a box to let him drag the body for you.
The menu screen is where you manage your team and while also confusing and unclear at first begins to make sense and works well with the overall thought of the game.
Its an unusual mix of gameplay but holds enough challenges and a certain role playing element that keeps you playing once passed that initial stage of frustration.

The cutscenes appear in the style of almost a comic book feel to them much like the graphic novel of mgs1, but this time the original cast return for the voice overs which is great. The story exists long after the events of mgs3 snake eater and holds a relevance to the overall mgs story including the Campbell!.

The graphics are a build from mgs3 snake eater and suited for the psp and appear very sharp, full 3d with 1st person, animation, smoke, muzzle effects and the like, all dimmed down to be handled on the psp and does a fantastic job. Muddy textures and drab locations are what you would expect for a military style game.

The sound of the cast is great, sound effects and music also but nothing stretches the imagination that much apart from the cutscenes.

The usual annoying codecs are present but more forgiving and not so much of a nuscence as past mgs games.

The game is surprisingly varied while realistically limited and does a good job of using what it has. Can be difficult in places but a very good game and uses the psp's power to its full potential with ease.