Awful controls, silly plot and mediocre combat, but an effective time killer.

User Rating: 5.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
Lets get this straight, I have never played a Metal Gear Solid game before this one, but surely a game series as popular and glorious as this shouldn't need explaining, just pick up and play right? wrong.

Which brings me to the first issue I have with this game, the plot. It's all over the place yet also very overused, essentially baddies want to nuke some place, so you have to stop them. But along the way you encounter children with the IQ of NASA and people who can magically stop bullets with swords which, in reality is just there to prolong the game.

Next up on mediocrity scale is difficulty. Some levels are as easy as "walk there" whereas with others, you could play as a colonel or soldier of the enemy army yet somehow they would spot you from a mile away.
This difficulty curve walks hand-in-hand with the controls and combat. Oh yes the shooter was not designed for the PSP that's for true. The camera is everywhere and aiming can be a chore, especially since the game is primarily played in the third person, but for some reason the gun fights are first person.When did that become a good idea? (And for that matter, who decided that O means continue and X means cancel in the menu?) Semi-automatic rifles are virtually useless and you'll end up using the dart-gun most of the time which seems appropriate because this game, being almost entirely stealth based, seem to want you dead and sends an unlimited supply of baddies after you if your spotted.

Now with all that out of the way, let's focus on the few pluses.
The fact you can build your own army by kidnapping baddies and converting them is a quite refreshing experience, especially since they can make ammo and medicine for you as well as spying and fighting with you. When dragging their bodies it can sometimes look dirty in an extremely immature way and, you can assign different teams specializing in different areas, like a stealth team, a combat team or a mixture of everything.

So overall this game generally is best played with you're i-pod on full-ball listening to Slipknot or something on a Sunday afternoon when there is nothing to do except bum around the house.