best psp game to date.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
i had doubts about this game to begin with. After playing Snake Eater i realized the mgs series was taking quite a different turn. However that cannot change how great this series truly is. I couldn't wait i had to find out how mgs was to turn out, so i imported this from America. When i first heard about this game i was really excited but rather anxious. Alas there was no point in worrying this game turned out to be a true classic. Graphics. By far some of the best seen on a portable console possibly the best.

Sound: Weapons sound much more realistic in this than they did in snake eater, also the music is superb.

Game play: Now this is where it gets rather hard. As soon as i started playing i expected the controls to be identical to snake eaters. So i pressed square to shoot and then he punches. It took me some time to get use to the controls especially the camera. The controls are not like snake eater's but that should be expected considering the psp has no pressure sensitivity on the buttons. The thing i hate about the camera is not the way you control it but the fact it lacks the ability to move it at the same time as shooting. This is because of the L button. When snake is shooting an assault rifle you can view all around him but not when your using a pistol. This may seem like a pointless issue but it doesn't allow you to view the graphics in all its glory. However the recruiting system is absolutely unbelievable! for the people who didn't hate Raiden in mgs2 you can choose to play as Raikov his copy/. This is the first metal gear game that also lets you play as an enemy. The only draw back from the recruiting system is the fact you must drag the person back to your truck which can be annoying considering some of the maps are pretty big. Well anyway the controls work really well but may irritate you at times. Story: Well what can i say.......ITS GREAT! exactly what you expect from an mgs game. Deep and thoughtful. Although at times it can seem impenetrable but other than that its definitely one of the best mgs scripts probably even better than lets say snake eater..

Also this game has loads of replay value due to the amount of comrades you can recruit and unlock new comrades. Also who can forgot the amazing mulitplayer mode. The European version has more bonuses but either way its worth a place on top of your game stack.