da bomb for online

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
if your just playin the single player mode part of the game it will be boring because it takes very little time to beat, but if you are lookin for a good online multiplayer game this is it there are always people on and every game you play online will be different and keep you busy, playing online is the only way that you can even complete the soldier list and be able to get really high hp guys that can go into extreme mode without dieing, i have one 400hp fox guy that i use in extreme mode and that's the only one i need to get through it, i just have the others if i want to recruit more soldiers without setting off alerts and what not, some people say that you play it for awhile and then its boring, i got it the week it came out and i still play it and i am still not bored with it, it is a great addition to the metal gear series