Really big disappointing.

User Rating: 6.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
Metal Gear Solid: Portable ops is currently the best Sony PSP game. And when i heard about this "plus" i know it will be worse. I was right. This game is a really big disappointing. Konami makes the same with MGS, what capcom did with RE. They're made this game for money, and nothing more. Don't buy this game cause: If you HAVE the original Portable ops, this game is useless...
And if you DON'T have the original Po, than buy that one, cause this one is just more expensive...

The graphics: Really nice, as the same as the original... 10/10

Sounds: Really nice, as the same as the original... 10/10

Controls: Good, not perfect, but good, aand: As the same as the original. 7/10

Gameplay: Enjoyable and great. 9/10

This scores are really good, huh? Than why it's only 6.5? I tell you why: Cause it's not more, no.. THE SAME as Po.

The good: Everything is good, just like in the original

The bad: Everything is just like in the original.