Bring on the Plus!

User Rating: 8.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus packs an even greater edge to last years, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.

Replacing story mode with Infinite Missions, which allows you to go through a number of missions on, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme modes. Where each mode delivers a vague intensity of satisfaction, or disappointment, depending on how well you play. This game is solely for online play. With no storyline, only a vast training ground, with extra soldier capacity, more guns such as the Famas from Metal Gear Solid (Ps1) and the SOPMOD from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Ps3).

With a variety of soldiers to take online to the battlefield, this game gives all Portable Ops fans an even more in depth experience. Bringing Metal Gear Solid fans a blast to the past, and a sneak peak at the future. With all new characters, like, Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Ps3) and Raiden (Mgs2). Every fan of the series will be on the edge, wanting more. The all new game play elements online, such as Chat Rooms, new stages, taunts, and the chance to Vote Kick a player, and even turn off the sound radar in online play. With the ability to find secret documents, upgrade your soldiers using Textbooks, and even change the color of a genome soldier (Mgs1) This game is a must for fans of the original Portable Ops game.

The bad things? If your not a fan to the series, it would be wise to get familiar with the world of Metal Gear Solid. Or this game will be a strange ride, and will make you regret ever buying it. But if you love Metal Gear Solid and you think you got what it takes to relive Portable Ops with an even greater package. This game is for you, the only downfall is those who love story lines, and long cut scenes, will be greatly disappointed. This game was intended for online play, and those fans of the original Portable Ops, keep those gamesaves, if you want to unlock a Boss Rush mode.

Some bad, some good, but the overall fan of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops will want to experience this game.

An 8.5/10 though this game packs a great deal of goodies, you may feel that a few things are missing and will make you want more out of your soldiers. Which if you think about it, is not much of a great deal judging on every aspect of Portable Ops Plus!
All fans of Metal Gear Solid, will agree, that this game is a must have experience.