METAL GEAR!?!?! What can you say bad about this?

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
A metal Gear game is always fun and alot of things are to be expected when Konami release a expansion or add on to a classic game. Many people I talked to didn't like this game that much only because they didn't know this was a expansion for multi player. a course it has Infinity Missions but this was made for those die hard fans of MGS online. This game has alot of new maps, ones that make a MGS fan boy remember those good old days. And the soldiers you can obtain are just fantastic. The controls are a little weird but if you played MGSPO its easy to get use to, as well as new players. A new feature that I find great is the RPG feel, now theres a experience cap that character can learn and weapons skills can be raised by finding books.For $20 this is a PSP deal breaker. As it claims on the back f this great game "OPS ISN'T OVER YET!"