A little step forward, two big steps back

User Rating: 6.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
At first I was waiting for the game. The trailers showed us a fast paced action and many new options game. But they actually lied. When I tried it out I asked myself:"Where the heck is the + here?!?!". Although it offers us some new weapons and soldiers, MGS:PO+ didn't improve anything. The battlefield is the same, the missions are quite fun at first but gets too repeative. The guards are just the full of imagenation person from the first Portable Ops, the AI didn't really improve. Konami dissapoints us in this title...sorry!!!

But we can't blame them. The idea of making an expansion pack for a successful game that players can repeat the same successful gameplay as many as they want sounds good...theoretically. The gameplay is an important part of the game, of course, but one more important thing is the target of the game. In the previous PO there was a story you wanted to know the end of it, so that made you want to play the game. But the + edition has no real target. Just complete mission to enlarge your army and...and what? what will be then? nothing.

Konami dissapoints us now, but we hope they learned their lesson

Note: Sorry for the grammer mistakes if there are