I... uh... I can't get into it. Sorry, Mr. Kojima, but this is not quite what I was looking for.

User Rating: 6 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
This game does it's job gameplay wise, blowing it up with some new mechanics and concepts, adding multiplayer, etc...

...and then it pops it by having no story at all. I did not know this going in. I played a few missions before I started to realize it. Then I had to get online and look up whether it even had a story. NOPE.

I appreciate the idea of the game, but honestly, although I am in love with MGS's gameplay, it's not really as good here as it was on the PS2. The controls just don't allow it. That would be a minor gripe, but half the reson I love MGS is the interesting story and character interaction. Without it, there's no drive for me to continue playing. I'm glad Hideo Kojima is bringing some variety to the series, but I wasn't expecting this.

I still pick it up every so often, but a few minutes of playing reminds me all over again why I don't play it much.