This is my first metal gear game that i have owned and it is freakin sweet!!!! Read this review!

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
Ok, first off, this game may not have a story, its not made for single player really. The single player is made for recruiting your soldiers and learning how to play. I really recrommend you buy the actual MGS:PO before you buy +. The reason for this is so you can do this thing where if you beat the first game you can instantley do any boss battle and you can have all your soldiers that you already had from this first game. Also, remember this game is less single-player more for online multiplay which is really fun.

Now that we got that settled, you just have to buy this game! The online is INSANELY FUN!!!! I've had it for about a day and i can't quit playing. It's just way to fun. Even if you don't like metal gear, you will love this.

-Graphics are almost as good a snake eater
-Multiplayer is just down right fun
-Sounds really authentic

Cons :(
-Some texture teres during huge firefights and explosions

ok, a couple texture teres here and there, you will just absolutely love this game alright?!