A great addition to an amazing story!

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel PSP
Personally I was amazed on how great this "game" looks on the PSP. First of all this is not a game but a comic with sounds and (some) animation hence: Digital Graphic Novel but I would have liked to have seen a lot more sounds and animation but oh well. Personally I think this is a great addition to the Metal Gear Solid story because during certain points of the PsOne game I wanted to know what's going on in the different perspectives and this "game" give's you just that and then some...it shows what happens how Snake is "asked" before being briefed as well as what goes on in Snake's mind during the Psycho Mantis mind attacks. For 20 bucks this is a great buy for the PSP and it's pretty original but after playing it through once I was rather compelled to play the actual game rather than this "game" again...

The gameplay in this "game" consists of a target reticle that allows the player to scan every page of the comic to find secert clues and objects which are then put in a 3-D memory building simulation: now I am a hardcore Metal Gear fan and I hated every moment of this simulation as you had to link memory to memory in order to progress to the next memory (sounds more complicated than it is) but assembling 20-30 isn't that hard but when you try to assemble 80 and you find out somewhere down the timeline you screwed up you will be pissed! I had to go through 53 memories before I found the missing link and it sure as hell pissed me off and personally this aspect should have been more refined and intuitive.

In conclusion this is a great perspective on a classic story and probably more aimed at the hardcore fans, for the person that's never played MGS, play MGS on the PsOne and you'll get a better understanding of it for half the price. But the story is still all there so it's in y good books and the story is truly amazing but better when your actually playing it.

Hardcore Fans Only (ME)