One of the best games I have ever played. Wish I had been a Metal Gear fan earlier.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
I am not that big into shooters and definitely not stealth based games, however, when I purchased my ps3 slim I thought I should get some ps3 exclusives since I had a rather large 360 collection. This game was a gamble that payed off big time.


Entertaining cutscenes, juxtaposed nicely to the gameplay
Great controls, terrific combat, stealth is easy to learn
Awesome characters.
Very fun and very challenging boss battles
Great Graphics
Drebins monkey thing
Good sense of humor
There wasn't that bad of load times.


The acting was a little 'eh' on some parts... not many. Otacon crying sounds horrible and embarrassing.

Like I said earlier I am not big into these kinda games but I will definitely play more now after this great experience. Can't wait until Metal Gear Solid Rising!