Metal gear online is simply Amazing. A great Multiplayer

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Online PS3
What should i start off with, well the game it self is amazing and adding the online as well is a masterpiece! You could play online for days not hours days!You could make your own guy or female, you can put on hats,helmets,cloves, armour ,its really accurate!You can play it in first person view or third.Play on death match, team death match, Sneaking match, Base match etc.Ranking system is good and it takes time to rank up, also you can improve your sniper skills, Assault skills,CQC skills and much much more.When i heard that there going to add an online multiplayer, i wasn't sure about it but now i have played it, i really love it, a great online game!So overall if you have a ps3, you have to buy this game.Not only the game is great the online is just as good as the story! O crap the minimum of reviews are 800 and i have 786,o well i could talk about the customization. Different colors on cloves, legs, hats etc.There are new stuff on there to download (it costs) like Afro's, Scarfs, half mask scarfs.Signing off PINZ