Brilliant if your into that sot of stuff........And Who Isn't?!!!!.........

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Online PS3
-First id like to point out that the difficulty isnt 'just right', its whatever yu want it to be.-

Okay,soooo mgo, wow........
Its amazing, and for free(if you dont buy the extra things) so you cant really give it a bad review if its free in the first place.
This 'extra part of mgs4' is brilliant. It may be abit to slow for cod players, but once you get used to it i think its alot better than cod4 (and 5). Its amazing, the shooting combat is great, like most gd games shoot at the head or be shot in the head. Its so unique the way that instead of 'perks' you have skills that are mostly completely different to each other and they actually DO help. For instance, if you have cqc lvl 3 you can knock out people alot faster than usual.
I dont find this game slow at all becuase it allows you to do what YOU want. If you want to snip, go ahead, or stealth or assault.(Or even be a moron and run into someone with a cardboard box!). It is a great third person shooter, and is more or less like the story mode game so if your gd at that, chances are youll be gd at this too.
I think that the leveling up system is alot better than other games too. Like on cod it is nothing to do with how gd you are(even though that helps) but it is about how long you have played it. But in mgo, if you do bad, youll go down, so it forces you to fight against people equal of higher than your lvl to lvl up, because if you fight someone alot lower and lose, your lvl will go down.
The maps are brilliant with small ones for close combat, ur open ones for snipers.
The clever thing about this thing is teamwork is involved in this game, its not needed, i admitt i dont use it much, but it is a very gd part about the game. You can make clans, you preset messages, or write messages 'in-game'
