Well.. its very addictive once you start playing you cant stop so easily

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Online PS3
Well.. its very addictive once you start playing you cant stop so easily.MGO has good gameplay qualities.I dont have any of the expansion but you have enough to play with anyway.I also played in the beta and i can say the game has improved a lot since then.you have a variety of different gun to choose from at the start of each round and almost all of them can be customized when you are playing with drebin points(which you earn during the round by killing the enemy) with the latest update you now earn reward points at the end of each round and with those reward point you are able to customize your character with various clothes and items.The bad things about it are that sometimes you might have a host with a bad connection and the game becomes laggy.Apart from the frustrating lag the game is superb.Players are seperated by level and they can be awarded special titles for their abilitys.You can also uprgade your characters skills.As you playing using a sertain skill it levels up. The maximum level it can be is 3 then you've mastered it.I recomend everyone to get cuz its awesome XDXDXD