enjoy every minute of the ride that is Metal Gear

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Online PS3
The single player story was awesome from the second it hits the screen to the time it ends leaving u wanting more. The multiplayer aspect of the game is very enjoyable bringing the talents of the legendary snake to the online realm. Nothings more Satisfying then sneaking up behind some one and choking them out! Apart from the machine gun wielding characters that take on some barbaric brute nature(charging in guns-a-blazing) the game acually takes alittle bit of skill to master which makes it interesting.

They offer expansion pack of which i bought the Gene expansion pack that included new maps and the addition of the popular reward points. SO now instead of just sneaking up on somebody u do it for a purpose, that purpose being to earn some virtual cash to buy new duds to pimp ur player even more.

the game is as i said awesome, ive been a huge metal gear fan since before it came to ps 1. i guess that kinda makes me a fan boy and hard to listen to, but i do own a xbox 360 and play halo 3 often. theres something to be said for a game that makes u buy a new system just to play it. Thats this game, if u havent played this game go over to a friends house and try it or if u have a ps3 rent it and try it. ill beat u'll find urself looking for a good price on amazon for it after you play some single player campaign and creeped around in a card board box in multiplayer.