READ my review and see if u agree

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Online PS3
This is the best console multiplayer i have played som far on the PS3. This multiplayer game has no problems exept the for the unbalnced teams sometimes (Pros of the game never wanna lose, so what they will do is all the pros will join the winning team, leaving the other team full of noobs and no hope of winning) This is a problem because it's impossible to win against a team of pros. And the second problem is the "aiming cursor".
The aiming cursor is that little bull's eye (or target) in the middle of the screen that u use to aim with. The problem with it is that it's color is too bright. How is this a problem? you ask, well when your playing on a map that is THE EXACT same color as the aiming cursor, the aiming cursor just blends in with it's background and then you cant see it so that means no aiming from you. This is a problem because you are forced to act fast in alot of situations in MGO, and when you gotta act fast, you have no time to look for the dam aiming cursor as enemies pelt you down. This is only a problem in MGO and not in MGS4 because you dont have to act as fast when playing MGS4. So, basically, if Konami had made a lock for abilities in teams and made the aiming cursor a darker color (like a darkred or something), then MGO would be more enjoyable.My MGO character name is SoLiD_Owl. look me up