The name says it all.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Online PS3
Oh boy... When i got MGS4, i knew i would have to beat it before i played this. And i started playing it, and now i cant stop.

Gameplay: 8.5/10

The gameplay is quite good. Its Metal Gear Solid, deathmatch style. There are 5 maps (taking place in historical Metal Gear locations) with 5 different game modes (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Sneaking Mission, Base Mission, Rescue Mission). 2 of them are self-explanitory, Sneaking is team deathmatch but there is a 3rd team of Snake and Otacon (piloting the MG Mk. II), the latter is trying to gather 3 dog tags (Lol MGS2) without dying. Base Mission has you capturing base nodes which allow you to respawn in those places. Rescue Mission has you rescuing and defending the GA-KO robot. Every game has a variant that allows you to enable Drebin Points mode (which has you buying and customizing weapons using Drebin Points that you gain as you do better) and the ability to restrict certain weapons and items.

Character creation involves creating characters with an unchangeable physical appearance and giving them removable equipment, such as goggles or ninja masks, and giving them changeable skills that increase proficiency with certain types of guns, CQC or other special abilities.

When a match starts, you choose your weapon load-out (a primary, a secondary, and an etc. weapon such as grenades) and the BG music you want playing (with selections from all MG games! :). The game is like all other online shooters. There are some context-sensitivity such as catapults, hiding in dumpsters, giving a boost, and others.

The only things wrong with this game are a few gameplay balance issues. Certain weapons or tactics are just plain cheap. Spawn-sniping and camping is possible on certain maps. Getting a headshot is almost a one hit kill with any weapon and most head shots are obtained with ridiculous guns to be getting them with such as Assault rifles. There is a weapon in the game called the M14EBR, which is an AUTO sniper rifle, which can be used close range, long range and even has a zoom scope for head shots.

Also poor design choices include:

Unable to start clan till level 3 (?!?)
Must pay for more character slots (?!??!!)
Two different login ID's (???)
Broken player search (can only find players currently playing)
And a few more i forgot.

Graphics and Sound: 9/10

Cant really comment, same as MGS4.

Story: Duhhhh.

Its Metal Gear ONLINE.

Connectivity, Server Issues: 10/10

There is almost no lag, but it really depends on host. Ive only lost connection...twice i think, in about 100 games.

Stat Tracking:

The game tracks all vital stats by game type, including kills, deaths, times as Snake, Snake kills, Snake wins, base captures, the whole Kit n' Kaboodle. Based on performance, the game gives you a level. This is usually pointless, but you have to be level 3 to start a clan.

Final Verdict:

A free online game based on Metal Gear is obviously going to be good. And it is. A few design choices and gameplay balance issues hurt this game, but can be fixed with a patch or two.

Final Score: 9/10