Mgs4 online is something that you will not see every day.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Online PS3
Metal Gear Solid 4 Online

In a nut shell MGO is quite a game you have skills almost like an RPG environment where you level up each individual skill the variety is great.

A few quick skills that I will demonstrate will be assault rifle CQC and knife.
Assault rifle you start as lvl 1 you have a longer reload time a more of a recoil and your precision on the gun is lower. As you grow in level each one of those attributes increase making you a better overall Rifle Man. These skill vary as well there are over 16 of them you can master and make you a larger impact on the battlefield.

Well what can I say MGO offers some new diverse game play you don't see much in most online games on consoles. The skills selection make you feel like something you haven't felt before in a online game people are doing different things that relate to there mastery on the battlefield. Assault men are usually having gun fights up front hiding behind cover, CQC(Close Quarter Combat) masters are usually hiding waiting for the right time to strike and trying to infiltrate the enemy lines to get behind them. A Sniper master of course as most people know stay back find a high elevated and hidden spot and pick them off from legit ranges that you would see in a real life war experience.

All these game play elements make something great that you don't really see in most multi player games it's a truly fluent experience that will keep you on edge for weeks.


- Solid 30fps
- Voice chat enabled
- Clan support
- Future downloadable content

Graphics: 9.5| the game features top of line visual quality you don't see in many titles crisp animations detailed characters over par textures included in rich environments. It's a stellar looking game that you won't have many complaints about.

Sound: 9.0| nice clarity on sounds increase your experience of the video game which MGO also delivers in the sound category, you won't have complaints here simply guns sound like guns and explosions sound like explosions.

Gameplay 9.0| the game play tries something new that not many games try and it succeeds in its quest. The game play is great its fun its new it's something for many people to enjoy.

Fun Factor: 9.5| the game is just plain fun all other things a side a game can't be good if it isn't fun you play games for entertainment and this game will not disappoint very fun very competitive it's open for many different gamers to try.
