not what your expecting. read this before you buy!!!

User Rating: 4.8 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
the game sucks. it isnt like the other ones where you actually fully controlled the guy, kind of like splinter cell where you would kill people stealthly. but this, oh my god, i turned my first psp game on and found myself a card game. i was like wtf. it was the biggest waste of money that i have every wasted my money on. i guess i couldve done some research on it but i seriously thought it wold be like the older ones. it really sucks. the graphics are ok for one of the 1st psp games but otherwise it sucks. i put 15 hours into it and that said **** this. if you want a good psp game. to the best of my knowledge, by socom: fire team bravo. it is a good game.

anyway this game is horrible. if you are expecting a sequal to the great series that they had going. you are not going to expect this. this is one of the worst games that i have every played. the storyline and such and bad but the gameplay sucks. COW out!!!