This game really is one of the worst cash-in attempts ever and extremely boring. the word "barge-pole" comes t

User Rating: 2.5 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
Here's an idea lets take a chance to create a game that could be handheld heaven and and make it so bad it almost ruin's a francise.
oh dear, what should have been metal gear portable a chance to sneek and strangle unsuspecting baddies while sitting next to an elderly woman on a bus. Instead it's one of utter confusion and the sound of all the passengers laughing at you for buying one of the worst games in history.
This is not metal gear solid Infact is so removed from the MGS francise it should just be called Ac!d and that's exactly what the game creators were on when they made this lump of crap. Ac!d is advisable when playing the game as i might even make it fun. Get this a "card based metal gear solid" card's what in the name of god do japaneese people find so alureing about cards? IF I WANTED TO PLAY WITH CARDS.....i'd...........PLAY CARDS WOULDN'T I !!!!!!.
This game dosen't deserve a review and the beedy eyed amongst you will relise this is less than a review and more of a rant. Ok here's my review....Don't buy this game...but humiliate everyone who does.