A mangled abortion of a game that successfully ruins both the MGS backdrop and card-based action. Bad idea, bad game.

User Rating: 2.3 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
This is by far the most frustrating experience you can have on a console. The added risk factor of breaking your entire machine should you choose to throw your control pad means it plays out like a horrific test of patience cunningly disguised as a Metal Gear Solid game which is turn based.
The game attempts to use a random card-generator which deals you (usually bad) moves that can then be used in a HADES turn based system. Each character on the shoebox-like levels runs on their own internal movement clock which dictates where they are at precise moments on the level. Normally making your way through a small room of genome soldiers would be a breeze on the real-time games, but said experiences are drawn out into 15 minute turn based epics of pain which range from you wasting a turn by leaving snake facing the wrong direction after a 3m movement, to having to stand still and take bullet after bullet like a lead-hungry slag because ol' snakey is paralysed with card-induced fear. This game takes everything that makes the MGS games so thrilling and beasts it over a barrel while it screams for its previous incarnations to run for help. Im not angry, Im just dissapointed.